Return Home on the PlayStation 5.
#ReturnHomePS5 advocates for PlayStation Home to make a return on Sony’s PlayStation 5 console.
What is PlayStation Home?
PlayStation Home was a virtual 3D social game where PlayStation users could meet new people to play games with and launch games directly from within the application. Players could customize their own avatars, decorate their own living spaces, and interact with the entire PlayStation community on one platform. It was a bold experiment that captured the hearts of millions of users. The trailer for PlayStation Home, where it all started, is below.
PlayStation Home is a community-based social networking service developed by Sony Computer Entertainment's London and Cambridge studios for the PlayStation 3.
The video below is of the end of PlayStation Home, where users gathered at their favorite destinations to say goodbye to each other and the virtual world they had come to love over the previous six years.
PlayStation Home has the opportunity to thrive.
Home cultivated a community of players that otherwise would have never connected. It capitalized on emerging social technology to create a new experience for the PlayStation community that still lingers to this day.
PlayStation home was a user-centric experiment to connect the community in a way that was never done before. It succeeded in creating a passionate following that enjoyed customizing their avatars, their homes, and experiencing their favorite games as interactive locations. It was a whole world for players to explore and get to know. And it was all uniquely PlayStation.

Why Return Home?
There is still a large group of players that actively wants Home to be reinvented, and what better time to do so than on the upcoming next-generation console? Outside of player request, there are other reasons to at least consider revamping PlayStation Home.
Brand Affinity
PlayStation has always been about empowering players. By providing users with an engaging social experience, PlayStation becomes a facilitator for fostering relationships within their community. Home gave PlayStation a unique edge against their competitors and served as a conduit for brand loyalty, while serving their community simply by giving them a space to connect in.
Not only do players enjoy these social spaces, the spaces are branded to PlayStation, specifically. Mini-games and lounges often were based off of PlayStation games, bringing fans together through their favorite titles. Launching PlayStation games after meeting a new teammate made partying up after a great conversation quick and easy.
All of this screamed “PlayStation”. Placing the players at the center of this project is what led to Home’s success, giving a virtual space, a social hub, to the players to use as they desired. PlayStation can use this existing passion to fuel a reinvention of Home: an experience that is uniquely PlayStation. An experience of community passion that users associate with the brand.

Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is one of the biggest advantages a new PlayStation Home could bring to the table. Popular games like VR Chat have already shown how successful virtual reality 3D social spaces are, and taking this idea and integrating it with something as full as PlayStation Home would take the concept to the next level.
Home specialized in creating entertaining spaces to hang out in, and a new space that would greatly exhibit the capabilities of VR would be a carnival space. Full of games and side-shows (much like BioShock Infinite), players could participate in challenges such as ring tossing, dart throwing, and water gun balloon racing all in VR. Another original Home space that could be reimagined is the Siren mini-game space. A survival horror game within Home accessible in VR would be a huge attraction!
Environmental design has also improved as a result of more powerful technology, so the visual feats Home would achieve would be even more rewarding in VR. A space based on Ghost of Tsushima, for example, would be both extremely immersive and breath-taking. Having these spaces to hang out in and enjoy the scenery adds a lot more value to Home than it already has.

Esports and Twitch
The old PlayStation Home wasn’t around for the new cultural shift that Esports has created. It is an industry that has exploded in recent years, becoming more mainstream each day. As of 2020, there are 140 million Twitch users. This, of course, isn’t counting the amount of people who watch streams on YouTube, as well. Integrating stream functionality into a revamped and technologically superior PlayStation Home would allow users to watch their favorite Esports together. For example, an esports bar map, hosting dozens of televisions, would play multiple different streams for players to tune in to and enjoy as a virtual 3D community. Players with Twitch accounts could participate in Twitch chats, as well, should they prefer.
PlayStation Home live-streamed NASA’s final launch of Space Shuttle Discovery. After that, Home streamed the EVO World Finals. Streaming within Home isn’t a new concept by any means and would only be an even greater in-demand and more normalized activity today.
Streaming Services
PlayStation Home utilized movie streaming via Crackle, a Sony streaming network. Friends could visit each other and watch full-length movies together, simulating a real-world social experience. Today, streaming platforms are starting to leverage social viewing, such as Netflix Party. Revitalizing social streaming within a 3D environment makes the virtual world much more engaging and gives players more things to do together. It also keeps them logged on for longer! A promotional video explaining Crackle is below.
In addition to shows and movies, music streaming could also be available, similar to the original Home’s use of RadioIO.

Marketing materials circulated throughout Home in the form of mini-games, generic advertisements, and in-game announcements. One event promoted the release of the Ted movie, in which players could acquire a Ted pet to follow them around. PlayStation announcements could be streamed, displayed in public areas such as “The Hub”.
Players would be up to date with PlayStation news, releases, etc. with minimal interference.
Other promotional integrations could include soundtracks (i.e. songs from current games being played in certain areas) and themed areas such as the Uncharted location in the original PlayStation Home. Some examples used in the original Home are pictured below.

User Sentiments
Why It Was Loved
The most important part when talking about PlayStation Home is the effect it’s had on its users. It served as a social outlet for people that may not be able to make quality relationships in their everyday lives. It’s helped people enjoy talking and connecting with others more. It’s helped stave off loneliness and improve mental health. And, in some of the best cases, it’s led to friendships that have since flourished into fulfilling, “real-life” relationships.
Why It’s Missed
There is nothing quite like home out there. People have tried to replicate it, but none have made it real. The fact that people are trying is a sign that they are willing to try to make it themselves to be able to use it again. If anyone can put this community’s passion to use and provide this need, it’s PlayStation. It’s in-demand, and the community is ready to Return Home.
Why It’s Needed
People need to be connected. No matter who you are, humans crave relationships and need them to lead healthy lives. Having that button on the home screen of the PlayStation 3 that could connect you to the entirety of the PlayStation community was a lifesaver for many people and for others, it just made them feel a little less lonely.
The universal takeaway from everyone who loved (and still loves) PlayStation Home was that once they logged in, they were going to have a good time and make some memories. All because of PlayStation.
And the community agrees.

Share your Home experience with us!
“From Home, With Love” is a collection of user experiences and stories of PlayStation Home. If you have a story or comment to share about Home, please put it here and we’ll feature it on our Instagram! We love reading what you send!